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Doc. Ing. Jitka Čejková, Ph.D.

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University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Technická 3 (room BS62)
166 28 Prague 6

Work Experience


International Experience


  • 2022 Medal of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering
  • 2021 ISAL Distinguished Early-Career Investigator Award
  • Participation in the Czech final of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme, 2020
  • 2018 ISAL Award for Outstanding Paper of 2017 in the field of Artificial Life
  • Crytur Award 2017, 1st place, for supervision of the best diploma thesis (student Petra Janská)
  • 2017 Canon Foundation Research Fellowship
  • Best Poster Award, ALIFE 2016 (4.-8.7.2016, Cancún, México)
  • Crytur Award 2016, 2nd place, for supervision of the best diploma thesis (student Ondřej Rychecký)
  • Participation in the Czech final of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme, 2016
  • Rector’s Award, 2016, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • Rector’s Award, 2014, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • Best Poster Award, 1st place, The 7th Young Researchers’ Retreat (29.-31.7.2013, Kyoto, Japan), selected out of over 70 participants
  • Participation in the Czech final of FameLab 2011
  • Rhodia Award for Chemistry, 4th place (2010)
  • Best Poster Award, 1st place, World Student Conference on Particle Technology (22.-25.4.2010, Delft, Netherland), selected out of over 50 PhD students world-wide
  • Chemical Engineering section of SVK University Science Competition, 2nd place (2005)

Research Interests

  • Droplets
  • Artificial life (protocells, origin of life)
  • Unconventional robotics (liquid robots, chemical robotics)
  • System decanol/decanoate/salt
  • Non-linear dynamics and pattern formation (Dictyostelium discoideum)
  • Chemotaxis (oriented movement in concentration gradients) – biological and artificial
  • Chemobrionics (chemical gardens)
  • Cell encapsulation
  • Etymology of the word "ROBOT"


  • 2024-2028: OP JAK project  INTER MICRO "Talking microbes - understanding microbial interactions within One Health framework" (team member, webmaster)
  • 2022-2026: COST Action DYNALIFE "Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life" (management committee member for Czech Republic, WG4 leader, science communication manager, webmaster)
  • 2021-2022: Bilateral Grant  The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) / National Research Foundation of Korea: "New superhydrophobic perfluorinated nanomaterials for advanced micro- and bio-applications" (team member, principal investigator at UCT Prague – prof. Friess)
  • 2018-2023: COST Action "Chemobrionics" (management committee member for Czech Republic, WG4 leader, science communication manager, webmaster)
  • 2017-2019: Junior Research Grant from The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) “Towards the understanding of evaporation induced pattern formation of decanol droplets” (PI)
  • 2015-2018: EC project “EVOBLISS – Technological Evolution of Synergy Between Physicochemical and Living Systems” (team member, webmaster)
  • 2012-2015: EC project “MICREAGENTS – Microscale Chemically Reactive Electronic Agents” (team member, principal investigator at UCT Prague – prof. Štěpánek)
  • 2008-2013: ERC grant “CHOBOTIX – Chemical Processing by Swarm Robotics” (team member, principal investigator prof. Štěpánek)
  • 2010: student grant of UCT Prague “Experimental study of chemical robots’ behavior in model surrounding“
  • 2009: student grant of UCT Prague “Comparative studies of chemical and physical characterization of chemical robots’ bodies“
  • 2008: student grant of UCT Prague “New metal substrates suitable for analysis by Raman spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance”
  • 2007: student grant of UCT Prague “Preparation of large-area SERS-active substrates for measurement of Raman spectral maps and testing of their surface nanostructure”


Book Chapters




(selected from over 40 proceedings papers)

  • Čejková J., Robots: The century past and the century ahead, an Introduction to the 2021 ALIFE conference, Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, MIT Press, 2021.
  • Čejková J., Ikegami T., Štěpánek F., Life-like swarm behavior of multiple chemotactic droplets, Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Life 2017, Lyon (France),   – 9. 9. 2017, MIT Press, pp. 91-95 (2017).
  • Čejková J., Ikegami T., Experimental study of mutual interactions of multiple liquid droplets, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics, Kyoto (Japan), 31. 10. -1. 11. 2017, pp. 274-278 (2017).
  • Čejková J., Haufová P., Gorný D., Štěpánek F.: “Artificial spores” – hybrid alginate microcapsules with encapsulated yeast cells, Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Taormina (Italy), 2. -6. 9. 2013, MIT Press, pp. 818-823 (2013).
  • Čejková J., Štěpánek F.: Chobotix 2012: book of proceedings, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, 2012, ISBN 978-80-7080-813-9 (editor).

Invited Talks

  • Liquid Robots – Robots Without Sheet Metal and Wheels” Central Saint Martins University London, UK (10. 5. 2022)
  • "Liquid robots are not cells", University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark (23.1.2020)
  •  Liquid robotics, Hiroshima University, Japan (15. 11. 2019)
  • Artificial life in chemical systems: droplets as liquid robots, Physical chemistry seminar, Lund University, Sweden (18.3.2019)
  • Droplets as Liquid Robots, keynote speaker at 2nd Week of Complexity Sciences at Center for Complexity Sciences of National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City (31. 1. -2. 2018)
  • Droplets as Liquid Robots, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw (24. 11. 2017)
  • Experimental study of decanol droplets life-like behaviour, Department of Physical and Macromolecular chemistry, Charles University (11. 10. 2017)
  • Kapky jako tekutí roboti, Night of Scientists, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (6. 10. 2017)
  • Pattern formation of decanol droplets, Keio University, Japan (31. 7. 2017)
  • Experimental study of decanol droplets life-like behaviour, Hiroshima University, Japan (11. 7. 2017)
  • Kapky jako tekutí roboti, AFO - 52. Mezinárodní festival populárně-vědeckých filmů, Olomouc (25. - 30. 4. 2017)
  • Artificial chemotaxis and pattern formation of decanol droplets in the presence of decanoate and salt, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany (25. 2. 2016)
  • Unconventional maze solving problems by using biological and artificial chemotaxis, keynote speaker at CHISA 2015, Seč u Chrudimi (9. - 12. 11. 2015)
  • “Chemo-taxi” – oil droplets for targeted cargo delivery, invited speaker at EMN Meeting on Droplets, Phuket, Thailand, (8. - 11. 5. 2015)


  • Teaching experience at University of Chemistry and Technology (teaching in Czech and English): Biological Process Engineering, Chemical Engineering I, Chemical Engineering III, Dispersion systems, Microchemical engineering, Laboratory training in chemical engineering (unit operations), Laboratory of manufacturing of nano- and micromaterials, Laboratory of characterization of nano- and microsystems, Chemical Industry and the Environment, Chemical engineering projects
  • Teaching experience at University of Trento: Biochemistry lab courses
  • Supervision of bachelor and master students
  • Supervision of international exchange students (Erasmus, IAESTE)
  • Supervision of high-school students

Professional Membership

Organisation of Scientific Meetings

Science Popularization and Other Activities

Updated: 26.3.2024 13:06, Author: Jitka Čejková

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.